Joe Patrick Ward
Composer for Film, Television & Theatre

On the "Red Carpet" with many of the film's actors, producers and writer/director Del Shores.

With Ann Walker, Rosemary Alexander, Newell Alexander and Caroline Rhea.

"A Very Sordid Wedding" Film Premiere in Palm Springs (March 10, 2017)

With co-stars Willam Belli, Leslie Jordan, Emerson Collins and writer/director Del Shores at the post-screening Q & A for the film "Southern Baptist Sissies" at the North Louisiana Gay & Lesbian Film Festival.

With Emerson Collins, Olivia Newton-John and Rosemary Alexander at the New York premiere of "Sordid Lives: The Series"

A special performance of "Trailer Trash Housewife" in Los Angeles, with producer Jason Dottley and stars Beth Grant and Octavia Spencer.

At "Trailer Trash Housewife" performance in Los Angeles.

With writer/director Del Shores, publicist Ed Baran and producer Jason Dottley.

At "Blues for Willadean" screening.

At "Blues for Willadean" Screening in L.A.

With Del Shores, Willam Belli, Emerson Collins and Leslie Jordan.

At "Blues for Willadean" Premiere in Los Angeles.

Screening of "Blues for Willadean".

With Debby Holiday, Dale Dickey, Louise Beard, David Steen, Rachel Sorsa and Emerson Collins.

With Cynthia Sanders and Kyle Erwin.

With Willam Belli, Leslie Jordan, Emerson Collins and Del Shores.

At premiere of "Sordid Lives: The Series".