Joe Patrick Ward
Composer for Film, Television & Theatre
"Judy's Scary Little Christmas"
"A diabolically clever musical.... the holiday smash of the season... I can't say enough about what a bracing surprise this unique show is." - TALKIN' BROADWAY -
"Filled with gut-busting laughs and wonderful musical numbers... one of the funnier parodies of that late 50's era.... a sublime good time." - BROADWAY WORLD -
"Each entry in Joe Patrick Ward's score has the spark and wit of a number plucked from the late '50s. That goes equally for Judy and Bing sharing a folksy duet while making grog to Ethel Merman's shamelessly over-the-top Hawaiian number. And hats off to any composer who imagines a red-baiting Nixon and a staunchly leftist Hellman singing the duet "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been in Love?'" - THE DAILY NEWS -
"A dazzling musical satire!" - FRONTIERS MAGAZINE -
"Memorable tunes by Joe Patrick Ward." - L.A. WEEKLY -
"Rousing music! Once Judy gives the closer “Make It Shine” a diva treatment, you might still be a believer." - LA.COM -
"Among the years finest offerings... Ward's pleasant score is highlighted by two showstoppers."
"The songs are infectiously melodic and contagious fun!" - CHICAGO FREE-PRESS -
"Hilarious and memorable... the show includes songs that run the gamut from variety-show pastiche to heartfelt ballads to triumphant finale." - THE TOLUCAN TIMES -
"The songs are intelligent, cheeky and humorous, and add a refreshing bit of spice to the action. A whole catalogue of musical numbers fit to beat the band!" - CAUGHT IN THE ACT, NEW HAMPSHIRE -
"Funny and moving and surprisingly thought-provoking... wickedly poignant... so good it's scary!" - Ventura County Reporter -
"Pairing up Lillian Hellman and Richard Nixon for a duet was as brilliant as the song they sang, 'Ever Been In Love?'" - THE MAESTRO WEBSITE -
"Composer/lyricist Joe Patrick Ward wrings every double-entendred laugh from each of the show's songs." - THE BURBANK LEADER -
"The songs performed in this production are great and really have the feel of those songs that were sung in 1950's TV holiday fodder. The musical numbers really hit the mark of nostalgia on its spot."" - ACCESSIBLY LIVE OFFLINE -
"Light-hearted and often heartfelt musical numbers." - CITY VIEW WEEKLY -
"Amusing musical numbers by Ovation Award nominee Joe Patrick Ward. Two particular standouts are "Ever Been in Love", done by Lillian Hellman and Nixon and "Life of the Party," done by the Ensemble. Numbers like "Mauna Loa Hula Holiday" and "The Candy Cane Twist" are excruciatingly reminiscent of variety show production numbers." - SHOWMAG.COM -
"A toe-tapping score!" - STEADSTYLE CHICAGO -
"When Connie Champagne belts out the final number, "Make It Shine", it is an amazing homage to Judy - like a recently discovered film clip. Then there is a big musical finale when each of the guests returns for a quick verse before boarding a trolley driven by Judy. The audience can't leap to their feet soon enough with whooping and applause." - ORANGE COUNTY-LONG BEACH BLADE -
"Brilliant moments including the intimate 'Angel Star', delivered spot-on with all of Judy Garland's rich vocal interpretations" - ART SCENE IOWA -
"A holiday must-see for L.A. theatregoers.... with wonderful music and lyrics by Joe Patrick Ward."
"The Grave White Way"
"Theatre Best Bet! A loving tribute to bad theatre history." - LOS ANGELES TIMES -
"A classy sophisticated comic sendup and a sheer delight" - THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER -
"Critic's Pick! A terrific concept, outlandishly funny lyrics, and an irrepressible cast.... perversely funny. Long live short-lived Musical Theatre!" - BACKSTAGE WEST -
"A delirious parallel Broadway populated with the greatest flops and funniest parodies of all time."
"This is one amusing, joyous and delicious experience!" - CONNECTIONS -
"Musical comedy fans should find sufficient merriment here." - FRONTIERS MAGAZINE -
"A clever, unique, talent-packed musical satire on Broadway musicals." - THE TOLUCAN TIMES -
"Forget 'Forbidden Broadway' and 'Forever Plaid'. Another musical makes a stand for itself with 'The Grave White Way'." - THE GREEN ROOM THEATRE CRITIC -
"Funny and hugely enjoyable!" - CALLBACK MAGAZINE -
"Hilarious... endearing... amazingly accurate parodies." - DAILY NEWS -
"A richly talented ensemble.... there is fun to be had on 'The Grave White Way'."
"Trials & Tribulations of a Trailer Trash Housewife"
"In addition to the very funny and moving script, Joe Patrick Ward has penned some great songs.... Mr. Ward on piano plays his music with aplomb." - IN LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE -
"Riveting, searing and intense.... with musical numbers that are at once fun and frothy, as well as dour and evocative." - BROADWAY WORLD -
"Joe Patrick Ward,who composed the thematically appropriate songs, offers beautifully performed commentary to Willadean's plight." - VARIETY -
"Joe Patrick Ward's spicy lyrics for Willie's Blues, set to Ward's music, are the painful realities of life examined through stunning vocal renditions by blues singer Debby Holiday." = AMERICAN RADIO NETWORK -
"Knockout bluesy song stylings by Debby Holiday, who winds through the action wailing the torchy ballads of musical director Joe Patrick Ward at the piano." - ENTERTAINMENT TODAY -
"Bringing Shores' compelling vision to life is composer Joe Patrick Ward at the keyboard."
"Debbie Holiday provides sizzle as the sultry chanteuse, crooning fine songs composed by accompanist Joe Patrick Ward." - FRONTIERS MAGAZINE -
"Funny/sad, relevant lyrics by highly dramatic musical director Joe Patrick Ward."
"Hysterical Blindness & Other Southern Tragedies"
"The original score by Joe Patrick Ward.... gospel and country-western songs... is lively. Full of rousing moments." - NEW YORK TIMES, Vincent Canby -
"Joe Patrick Ward's energetic musical numbers run the gamut from corn to gospel."
"Toe-tapping music and hilarious lyrics by Joe Patrick Ward. The songs spoof Southern Baptist church music something awful, and he is as entertaining a writer as he is a performer. His most endearing songs also have memorable titles, among them, 'The Trashy Effeminate Hoodlum' and 'The Hymn of Shame'." - DRAMA-LOGUE -
"Hand-clapping music.... The sextet of singers sing composer Joe Patrick Ward's amiable pastiches of hymns and light country." - NEW YORK JOURNAL, Martin Gottfried -
"Ward's songs make the show great, encapsulating entire volumes of commentary in just a few phrases. The hymnlike 'God Loves the Baptist' is a concise summary of Southern racism. These are funny songs and Ward laces them with silly turns-of-phrase and ribald rhymes. It's shameless good fun." - RICHMOND.COM -
"In the song 'Hymn of Shame', fundamentalist bigotry is personified by Mary Bond Davis as Sister Shame. The entire number, done in gospel belting style and backed up by the church chorus, is Ward's comic masterpiece of the evening, beating his other fine work at imitating country and church music in the show's other eighteen songs." - NEW YORK NATIVE -
"A sendup of all things Southern. Sharp music and lyrics by Joe Patrick Ward."
"Sidesplitting soulful music!" - OFF BROADWAY BEAT -
"Ward's score contains two showstoppers, and they're both parodies. 'Mother, May I Be Forgiven?' is a keen send-up of Nashville-style country music, while 'Hymn of Shame' does the same for gospel." - FORT WORTH WEEKLY -
"Fabulous mock-gospel tunes." - MICHAEL'S THING -
"Pleasing tunes and bright clever lyrics." - TEMPO MAGAZINE -
"The music and lyrics by Joe Patrick Ward are campy and sharp-witted." - L.A. VILLAGE VIEW -
"Clever gospel-tinged songs." - FRONTIERS -
"Ward's original songs run a gamut from a Gilbert & Sullivan homage to Nashville parody."